Episode 3

Trust - The Cornerstone of All Relationships with special guest, Charla Turner - author of Trustworthy, How to deepen the relationships you need and avoid the one's you don't.

Welcome to the Middle Age(ish) Podcast, hosted by Ashley Bedosky, Lisa Kelly, Dr. Pam Wright, and Trisha Kennedy Roman. In this episode, we speak with Charla Turner - author of Trustworthy, How to deepen the relationships you need and avoid the one's you don't.

Trust is truly at the heart of every relationship, whether personal or professional. Without trust, meaningful relationships are not sustainable. Charla Turner gives a raw and honest discussion of her trust journey and such valuable insight into the significance of trust in our relationships.

We discuss some of the challenges we have all personally faced with trust and communication and some of the factors that bring about "trust issues." How do you trust? "That's the crux of the book....How can you know if you can trust somebody? You gotta trust them!" – Charla Turner - Author of Trustworthy

Ashley and Trisha joke that they both want to be Irish because Lisa's glass is always half full no matter what! Pam shares insight into some of the guidance she gives to her adolescent clients on their circle of trust.

Charla talks about the importance of healing past hurts and knowing your values and standards in a relationship. She talks about the importance of relationships in our lives and how each relationship we have, whether pleasant or painful, is a learning experience. "You win or you learn, like you either win a friend or you learn a lesson." – Charla Turner - Author of Trustworthy

The title of this podcast really encompasses the core of our conversation. Relationships are so important and TRUST is the cornerstone of all relationships. "You can't do this journey by yourself. That was never the purpose to walk this life by yourself or with just a handful of people. It was to encounter people that bring something in a season or a life." – Ashley Bedosky

We all get hurt at some time or another and feel betrayed. At times when we are really hurting, focusing on serving others can sometimes take our focus off of our own pain. "When you're hurting and when things are not going great in your life, if you'll serve someone, if you'll put your attention and your focus on helping others, it's amazing that your pain becomes smaller and smaller."  – Charla Turner - Author of Trustworthy

If you’re a middle age woman who loves connecting with other women and chatting about relatable issues, pour up a glass of wine or a cup of tea and tune in! In future shows, we’ll be bringing in some incredible guests and specialists to talk about these issues further and bring some positivity into being Middle Age(ish). So, subscribe and follow along!

Middle Age(ish): A time of transition from dreaming of who we will grow up to be and looking at the legacy we will leave behind.

Meet the Hosts: 

Ashley Bedosky, Fashion and Fitness Entrepreneur: https://www.middleageish.com/ashley

Lisa Kelly, Retired Celtic Woman & Owner of The Lisa Kelly Voice Academy: https://www.middleageish.com/lisa

Dr. Pam Wright, Licensed Psychologist & Mental Health Expert: https://www.middleageish.com/pam

Trisha Kennedy Roman, NP in Plastic Surgery, Author, & Skin Health Expert: https://www.middleageish.com/trisha

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Visit our website: https://www.middleageish.com 

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Twitter: @middleageishpod

Regular Middle Ageish episodes will be released starting March 1, so be sure to subscribe! Visit our website to see upcoming guests and to submit questions for the episode!